Donor Biography
Cline Dahle was born and raised in Weston, ID, he was a very poor student, both financially and performativity. He was also determined, smart, and creative. Cline's struggled with reading and paying attention, and excelled at math and day-dreaming! He also took some pride in being the class clown.
When Cline graduated from high school, he said he felt as though he had been let out of prison! Needless to say, a college education was not in his future. He served an LDS mission in Norway, where he excelled in the native language; in his words it was "Mission Impossible" and it was "The hardest, and the best thing I ever did".
From childhood, his passion was cars! Big cars, little cars, home-made kit cars, wagons that would be cars, hop-along cars, soap-box cars, used cars, new cars, Model-T's, and Ferrari's. He followed his passion and through his hard work and dedication, became one of Utah's most successful car dealers. First with used cars, and in time, new-car dealerships. Among his many firsts, he pioneered the first BMW dealership in Utah!
Despite his achievement, Cline often asked himself how much more he could have accomplished if he had been able to attend college and improve his knowledge and skills in writing, history, conversation, negotiation, travel, and politics? Being a notably poor student, Cline knew that future success is determined by a GPA.
During his lifetime he was determined to help the students that are overlooked and don't qualify for other scholarships to pursue their college education. He established The Cline and Jane Dahle scholarship to assist students with lower GPAs (Bs and Cs) with their SUU education. His legacy sustains the idea that success isn't predicted by GPA with the scholarship that bears his name.
Scholarship Criteria
Will be awarded to students with lower GPA's who are in need of extra support in order to stay in school and complete their education.