Donor Biography
Roy was born in Portland Oregon, and was adopted shortly after his birth by Henry Clay and Annie Mudd Simmons, after the death of his mother at the age of eight,and with his father in poor health, he came to Salt Lake City, where he was raised by a family friend, Blance Davis Reese.
At the age of 9 he took his first job delivering flowers and working at a gas station. At age 13 he started a business buying vegetables in bulk at the farmers market and reselling them door to door in a hand pulled cart. He attended the University of Utah were he meet his wife of 67 years Tibby.
He found joy in working with his wife, Tibby on the restoration of historic buildings and in providing numerous colleges scholarships to single mothers.
Scholarship Criteria
Will be awarded to caregivers of children, in a single-income household, not claimed as a dependent, who demonstrate financial need, has at least one child living at home and has a GPA of 3.0 or higher.