Donor Biography
Kent Myers was born May 19, 1931 at the Experiment Farm three miles south of Milford. Kent's father and mother, Obra Moroni and Gladys Eyre Myers, were dairy farmers. He was reared and educated in Minersville and Milford, Utah with two brothers Obra Art and Melvin M. Myers and two sisters Carol and Sally Kae Myers
After graduating with honors from Milford High School, Kent attended BAC where he received a degree in Elementary Education. While at BAC he was part of the football, basketball and track teams and also participated in music and drama. Kent was also Wing Commander of the AFROTC unit. On September 5, 1950, Kent married Cherie Mae Ashworth in the St. George Temple. Kent and Cherie lived on campus in a small trailer and worked for Richard Rowley as a writer/photographer in BAC Public Information office.
Kent served in the USAF in Korea during the Korean War as Information and Education Officer of the 8th Fighter Bomber Wing. After his discharge from the Air Force in 1956, he began his teaching career in the Iron County Schools. Kent completed his Ph. D. at the University of Utah in 1964 and returned to SUU (Then SUSC) as an Associate Professor of Teacher Education.
Kent was an author and prize winning poet, View From Leigh Hill. His professional writings have appeared in several national journals and have been republished in textbooks. He is a talented vocalist and is active with the Master Singers.
Cherie and Kent served a mission in Scotland from 1992 to 1994 where they directed the 1881 Census Project and were called to serve as missionaries in the New York Rochester Mission 2005-2006.
The best part of Kents life are his wife Cherie and family. They are the parents of Anne, Beth, Brad, Eric and Joel and consider their spouses, Bradley, Steve, Lori, Sue and Coralee as their own. So far (2020), Kent and Cherie are grandparents of nineteen.
Scholarship Criteria
Will award to students in College of Education with financial need. First preference to students that graduated from a Milford or Beaver high school. Second preference to transfer students from a Utah junior college.