Donor Biography
The C. Scott and Dorothy E. Watkins Charitable Foundation assists educational, research and charitable organizations that serve others in the community. The Foundation's purpose is to give to others as Scott and Dorothy did during their lives, with an emphasis on gifting to programs
that promote self-reliance and ones which will help those in need to gain additional education, health care or other services so that they are then able to help themselves.
Scott and Dorothy shared with their family how much joy was brought to them by giving. They were focused on giving to others and taught their family that, If you don't work and make money, you can't give anything away, and Scott taught his family how to work hard and not give up.
When they began their married life Scott and Dorothy were making only $54.00 a month, but they knew they could make their dreams come true. They had many business ventures during their life, some successful and some not. During their married life, Dorothy was fully engaged as a business associate with Scott. Scott continued to work until just a few months before his death at age 89.
Educating oneself was a top priority for them both. Scott and Dorothy helped their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to be more determined to do their best in school no matter what they were studying. One of the greatest gifts Dorothy shared with her family was the love of reading and the importance of reading not only to oneself but also to one's children. Keeping a family history was also very important to Dorothy.
May you be inspired to do your best as you pursue your education so that you also will be able to bless the lives of those around you.
Scholarship Criteria
Awarded to students with financial need.