Scholarship Criteria
Students with a third-party loan, close to completion of the flight program as determined by the Executive Director or Deputy Executive Director of Aviation. Students must apply during their Comm I lab (for Fixed wing) and Instrum/Comm A lab (for Rotor wing). The award will be made for loans related to the Comm II lab(FW) or Instrum/Comm B(RW). Students must have an SUU cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher. The scholarship applies only to interest payments, up to $7,000, for the student’s private loan in one academic year. Students must provide Private Lender information and a copy of their loan agreement and have completed FAFSA for the current year.
File Submission Required
A copy of your Private Loan Statement must be submitted as a pdf file through SUU's secure file share. Please include your name and T-number in the file name.
Additional Application Required