Donor Biography
The Milton & Cora Lindsay Bennion Endowment was created by his grandson Dr. Steven Bennion and his wife Majorie. Milton Bennion was born in 1870 in Taylorsville, UT. He grew up on and farm. He was a diligent student and had a knack for learning. At the age of 18, Milton was appointed as a teacher in Taylorsville.
At the age of 19 he served a three year LDS mission in New Zealand. After that he traveled the world visiting: Australia, Ceylon, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Italy, Switzerland, France, Holland, and England.
Milton Bennion was the principal of the Branch Normal School for three years. During those three years he managed to leave an indelible impact on the future of this great University.
He brought to the young institution a cosmopolitan experience, a code of personal integrity and honor, a commitment to the enhancement of his students' character as well as to expansion of their intellect; establishing the expectation that students would conform to this standard.
The expectations that Milton set forth still exist today both among students and faculty.
Scholarship Criteria
Will be awarded to promising students evidencing a strong interest in a career in education. Students must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher and have declared a major in Teacher Education. Preference will be given to persons with high character and a commitment to and record of service.