Password Best Practices


Passwords/passphrases give you access to work and personal accounts. Because passwords are the gateway to work and personal data, they need to be strong. Passwords should be easy to remember but hard to guess, which sometimes sounds impossible. Passphrases are better than passwords because they are typically longer and easier to remember.

How to create a passphrase

Combine three or four random (must be truly random) words and put them together to create a passphrase. The keyword here is random. The words you choose shouldn't have any relationship to one another other than picking them for your passphrase. The reason? Because common phrases, like titles of books or song lyrics, are often tried first by criminals seeking to break your password. Additionally, don't just look for a long word in the dictionary because criminals try those too.

Some things to remember about passwords/passphrases:

Use a Password Manager

Because so many of us have so many different accounts (work, bank, credit card, social networking, etc.), we tend to use the same password for all our accounts. Ideally, we want to have a unique password for each account, but that is very difficult from a practical standpoint due to the large number of accounts. There are password applications that can help us keep track of all of our passwords. There are even some online services that do the same. Some good free applications include KeePass, 1Password, and LastPass. You use a single master password to access your password vault, storing your account usernames and passwords. But make sure your master password is strong and only known by you.


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